Losers: the new Winners

Are you sick of scrolling through insta-tossers telling you how much of a worthless piece of shit you are?

Its just such a worthless vortex sucking your attention and withdrawing energy from your life-force. and what’s worse, its enticing, I hover, I watch and my eye-balls and dwell-time tell the AI algorithm to send more more and more of this shit.

The problem with the dorks purporting to have the ultimate fitness, business, nutrition solutions is they are all such complete tools who I would want nothing to do with in real life. So whytf would I want to give them my attention or worse yet, my money? I wouldn’t … except I’m jealous of their imagined success, and I want to be like them (or at least partly).

This is a kind of moral quandary, but a useful approach is to adopt some aspects of stoic and buddist philosophies and instead or pining for improvements others tout, be happy as a lark with what you’ve got.

But then, …and this is the twist… give yourself a bit of a challenge - something you wouldn’t normally contemplate, maybe something you can do with mates or (even better) for mates.

Now remember, you’re a fucking loser (or a content stoic/buddist) and anything better than complete disaster is a win, so every day you train for your new challenge, or do something that makes you a little better, that’s a huge victory. In otherwords, hold failure lightly, but embrace and enjoy positives.

You’re alive and you’re already winning! So get out there you bloody loser and just do it.


The Loser King


to G or not to G